TouTEs à la #NoBanNoWall March à Paris ! 04/02/17

Demain aura lieu la #NoBanNoWall March parisienne. Nous appelons à y participer activement : en tant que collectif féministe, mais aussi en tant que révolutionnaires, nous rappelons l’importance primordiale de la solidarité.

Deux semaines après son investiture, la paranoïa institutionnelle de Donald Trump s’est mise à l’ouvrage avec son premier décret, viscéralement raciste et islamophobe, empêchant les ressortissants de sept pays du Moyen-Orient, «nids à terroristes » selon Trump, de pénétrer sur le territoire américain.

Encore un moyen pour lui de manifester sa haine envers des populations qui n’ont souvent reçu de l’oncle Sam que des bombes et des drones, tout en faisant croire à la frange la plus raciste des Américains qu’il a les capacités de les protéger du danger terroriste.

Les Féministes Révolutionnaires apportent tout leur soutien aux populations opprimées, ostracisées et assassinées par la politique raciste et impérialiste des États-Unis.

L’appel de la marche

Press Release:
February 3, 2017

Leslie Wheeler, Kasey Kokenda

#NoBanNoWall March in Paris
Public march in Paris resisting President Donald Trump’s executive order on refugees and immigration.

PARIS — An estimated 3,000 people will come together in front of Place du Trocadéro on Saturday afternoon from 2 to 4:30 p.m. to march in protest against US President Donald Trump’s executive order banning admission of refugees and nationals from seven predominantly Muslim countries: Iraq, Iran, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen.

Although the order takes care not to mention Islam, it has been made clear by campaign surrogates such as Rudy Giuliani, that this executive order was drafted as a means to effectively ban Muslims from entering the United States, making good on one of Trump’s more controversial campaign promises.

As has been amply reported, this executive order was signed with very little vetting and created chaos and confusion at major American airports. Even members of Trump’s team, most notably Reince Preibus, expressed contradictory statements about the nature of the order.

Since then, protests have spread internationally and historic US allies, such as France and Germany, have spoken out against the executive order. French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said in a joint news conference with his German counterpart Sigmar Gabriel “The reception of refugees fleeing the war, fleeing oppression, is part of our duties.”

The #NoBanNoWall March in Paris will peacefully protest Trump’s executive order. The protest aims to denounce the Islamophobic and xenophobic policies of the Trump administration in a continuing international show of solidarity with immigrant, refugee, and other marginalized communities and with other protesters who have been resisting this unprecedented executive order.

It should also be noted that we are not affiliated with any organization. We are an international group of grassroots organizers.

Rendez-vous demain, samedi 4 février, à 14h au Trocadéro.

Page facebook de la marche

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